Work capacity development program
The occupational therapist develops a return-to-work plan and can provide on-the-job coaching with the client as needed.
Specialized pain management rehabilitation program
This program is designed for clients who are unable to self-manage persistent pain resulting from a physical injury.
Return to work program
An individualized and structured program designed to promote the gradual reintegration of the client into the workplace following an injury, condition or illness.
On-the-job coaching
A workplace intervention with the goal of decreasing the risk of injury or recurrence and offering specific strategies to the client to facilitate the return to and/or maintenance of work.
Hand rehabilitation
Intensive rehabilitation following an orthopedic hand injury.
Workstation assessment according to functional limitations
An analysis that objectively measures the physical and/or perceptual-cognitive demands of the essential components of a workstation.
Standardized functional capacity evaluation
Determining the intervention goals of a functional skills development program or in assisting with work reintegration efforts.
Occupational reactivation program (PRO)
A structured and individualized program, aimed at reactivating the client with a mental health disorder.
Assessment and intervention for functional autonomy at home
An assessment to determine the functional capacities of the client in completing self-care tasks and activities of daily living.
Assessment of personal assistance needs at home
This assessment is designed to evaluate the client’s functional autonomy and safety in completing self-care tasks and activities of daily living.
Home assessment and adaptation
The occupational therapist completes an assessment of the architectural barriers in the home of a client presenting a mobility impairment and recommends required adaptations.
Assessment of ability to drive a car
This assessment is completed with clients presenting issues with driving due to cognitive, neurological, or orthopedic disorders.
Ergonomic analysis and adaptation of a workstation (physical aspect)
This type of intervention refers to an assessment of the client’s work environment to identify risk factors related to work methods and the various components of a workstation.
Ergonomic analysis and adaptation of a workstation (cognitive aspect)
A cognitive ergonomic evaluation consists of a study of interactions with predominantly informational products or systems that require the use of the major mental functions of the individual.
Preventive Seminars
The occupational therapist conducts a workplace analysis, during which he or she completes an initial interview to obtain a brief medical history and information regarding the cognitive demands of the work tasks being performed.